It was about time to move on that important effect for the final render! I found a way to generate wetmaps using only Pflow without any tool box or 3r party software. The process is quite easy to set up so I’ll publish it only once the short will be released....
With the speed of a snail I’m fighting Mental Ray bugs, I recently put “rope” on my Santa Claus wish list. I thought my normal bump problem was solved by going through Xnormal to create it from my displacement map but now I got that...
A big pro work done, time to go back on the Zet project 🙂 I started to miss all the displacement and polypainting problems on my Zetman model. I detached the head to get more control for the animation process and increase general maps resolutions. If you are still...
The city starts to live! I need to : – Place some more custom building, texture them and flow the background with a large amount of them, – Change big neons image to be less noticable, – Build the 2 streets we will see, – Texture and light the...
Textures looks over stretched, that’s my old workflow. Script, crash, texturing, script, crash, brainstorming… little 3D modelling, brainstorming… procedural texture, works. The half hand/half procedural way to light up randomly windows. I keep it...
I’m actually on an architectural job, perfect timing as I started to work on Zetman environment. I learn a lot of GI and final gather tips I’m happy to use on the Zet project. 2 sets are modelled, the 3rd take more time to be achieved as it’s a big...