What’s this?? Initially I joined the contest to make a movie Tim Burton himself would watch, in the end Yo(r)u and I is one of the three winners of the contest! That’s a good opportunity to leave my Batcave and join the special night organised by the...
Dailymotion, France Inter and the Cinémathèque française launched a short movie contest base on Tim Burton’s universe. As usual I’ve been aware of that contest 15 days after everybody but even with a tight dead line and huge amount of pro work aside I...
Last month I tried a new way to generate and use facial mocap from a single camera rig. Since that test I’m thinking about the design of the 2nd version of that helmet, it will include 1 to 2 cameras setup, and I think I’ll go on 2 cameras from now because...
Dear followers, the 2nd version of my online CG portfolio is launched since a few weeks, feel free to take a look. Don’t worry, I’ll keep the technical geek stuff on that blog 🙂...